"The Modern” in Art Beyond the Formal/Conceptual A Retrospective Look to Observe Current Art

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Carolina Pavez


This article seeks to rethink the old notions that define modern art based on aesthetic criteria. The goal, on the one hand, is to release your determination limited to one style or way of making art. And on the other, at the other extreme, dissolve the judgments that evaluate their proposals as disjointed and/or contradictory to each other. This perspective seeks to avoid both stylistic restrictions and chaos. For this, the hypothesis purposed that the great variety of products and maneuvers of modern art share a common substratum housed, not in aesthetics, but in modern subjectivity; in particular, in a displaced subjectivity that stimulates multiple manifestations of the same spirit that, abandoned by the uncritical hegemony of the formal/conceptual, may be appropriate to return to.


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How to Cite
Pavez, C. (2022). "The Modern” in Art Beyond the Formal/Conceptual: A Retrospective Look to Observe Current Art. Designio, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.52948/ds.v4i2.624
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