The book as a represented and written device

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Diego Roldán Méndez


When thinking about the uses and practices of the book over time, we propose to reflect on a theoretical approach: what makes it a device and a cultural artifact, how this is limited to the word and the metaphor, passing through its representational qualities, its conceptual and symbolic possibilities, and its function as a nodal part of our culture. The book as a symbol and code of an open communication allows
observing the particular use of methods of representation, alternative to its traditional uses. The dilemma centers on finding an answer to the book’s questions in modernity. We propose a review of concepts and analogies to solve and visualize this purpose. We finally show the conceptual means that make possible the understanding of the book as the pinnacle of the history of the human being.


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Roldán Méndez, D. (2021). The book as a represented and written device. Designio, 3(2).
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