Art, design, and commodity mage’s operations in the industrial and post-industrial society

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Manuel Trejo Trejo


From the end of the XIX century, through the XX and, of course, the XXI century, we can find a series of overlapping operations between art, technique, image and experience, which have modified the classic character of art, and they have shaped the new conditions of aesthetic experience in an ndustrial and post industrial era. These operations can be classified as the construction of the industrialized experience, the aestheticization of the industrial object and the industrial desire domination. Thus, the present text tries to show from some examples, under the artistic and revolutionary impulse of avant-garde art, how the capitalism of industrial societies re-functionalized such operations to redirect them to a process of conservation and unfolding of their own productive structure. Finally, the text seeks to ask about the conditions of an image that pretends to be critical in this context of refunctionalization of criticism.


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How to Cite
Trejo Trejo, M. (2020). Art, design, and commodity: mage’s operations in the industrial and post-industrial society. Designio, 2(1), 9–23.
Artículos de investigación
Author Biography

Manuel Trejo Trejo, Universidad Iberoamericana

Maestro en Filosofía por la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México. Doctorante en Filosofía en la Universidad Iberoamericana con beca de investigación del CONACyT y Maestrante en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Asistente de investigación para los proyectos “El arte y las provocaciones teológicas” y “Filosofía de la práctica editorial: acceso abierto y diversidad en perspectiva crítica”. Sus intereses giran en torno a las relaciones entre la política y el arte, así como el activismo estético.


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